Their Hard Work Deserves a New Home.
Pioquinto Carro Juarez is 42 years old and works 6 days a week as a furniture painter. He earns ~$125/week. His wife, Jacqueline Flores Guzman works the night shift at a factory earning about the same. They have two young children, Ximena, who is 10, and Marlon, who is 8. Currently, the home they live in is made of plywood they pieced together and the roof is a tarp that is held down with pallets. And with the rainy season well underway, we want to quickly get them into a warm, dry, safe, new home.
Another Build Complete!!
A HUGE thanks to two generous donors who provided 100% of the funding to build Pioquinto, Jacqueline, Ximena, and Marlon a brand new home. Today they are comfortably living in a safe, secure, warm, dry, home thanks to our donors and amazing construction crew. Here is Jacqueline expressing her gratitude to the team.